Photography had always been of interest, but the purchase of a Nikon DSLR in 2013 was the turning point. Hobby turned to near obsession.  A career in lighting design teaches you about light & its effects. At its simplest photography is about collecting that reflected light. A connection that has served me well as I progressed through the tutorials & admired the work of others. 
My focus on woodland photography is partly due to the proximity of such areas, but also because, simply put,
 our woodland environments are great places to be.

Take a walk through a woodland area. A world all of its own. 
With colours, shapes & textures, that vary through the day & the seasons. 
The inherent calmness of this environment clears the mind & allows you to think, relax, & re-energise.
This is what I aim capture

I hope you enjoy my collection. 
If you are interested in purchasing any of these images please get in touch via the CONTACT page (button top left)
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